
Film Collective /
Tyler & Tracy Friesen

Capturing and sharing powerful stories that inspire change

LiveDifferent's Freedom Village

The Film Collective’s founder and owner, Tyler Friesen, was first introduced to LiveDifferent at the 2018 With Love Gala in Winnipeg by his long-time friend Jon Plett, who was a staff member at the time.

Before an official partnership began, Tyler and The Film Collective were already valuable contributors to LiveDifferent financially and professionally. They have been an instrumental part of the success of our galas, have contributed significantly to our work in Haiti (providing support for Ecole L’Union and the Freedom Village), and have donated countless hours to create content that has helped share our message with the world.

The Film Collective is a media production company in Winkler, Manitoba that was founded by Tyler Friesen and specializes in video production, photography, and 3D rendering.