
Compassion Fundraisers

Lead a fundraiser with LiveDifferent and make a lasting impact in Haiti.

Get started

Looking for more ways to make a difference? These long-term global projects have a lasting impact. By joining forces in Compassion Projects, LiveDifferent and its partners and donors are providing help to struggling communities. Projects are selected based on critical needs and bring hope and empowerment back into communities—they are LiveDifferent's heartfelt expression of kindness.

Development model

LiveDifferent chooses to employ and work alongside local labourers, tradespeople, neighbours and leaders in the communities we partner with, and this partnership results in healthy organic growth. Every community we work with is unique with its own strengths and needs.

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Compassion Projects in Haiti


Freedom Village

Become a monthly LoveLegacy partner and help children in Haiti chase their dreams and leave poverty behind.

100% of your donations will go towards providing education, nutrition, and freedom to children in Haiti. You can chose to become a monthly partner or make a one-time donation to the fund.

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