LiveDifferent Stories: Andia’s Birthday for Cause!
This is Andia. Last Christmas, she was inspired by a campaign we did asking people to donate towards school uniform for students at the LiveDifferent school in Haiti. (She even wrote a letter at Christmastime to Papa Noel, thanking him for visiting the students at the school in Haiti to bring their new uniforms!)
Andia wanted to find a way she could also contribute to this project. Over the past three years, she’s chosen to ask friends not to give her a gift to celebrate her birthday, but to consider making a donation in support of something she felt passionate about. This year she wanted to support the students in Haiti. So, when she sent out invites to her birthday party she again asked for no gifts but gave some information and pictures about the school and the need for uniforms. She let them know that a $20 donation would purchase a uniform for a student.
The response from her friends was overwhelming, as each friend who came to her party donated a uniform! Andia was thrilled and her friends were all excited to learn about the students who now had a school in their community to attend. One day, when she’s a little older, Andia hopes to have the opportunity to visit the school and meet the students who attend it.
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