
UBCO Taring Roofs and Spreading Hope

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The UBCO trip is going great.


Emily Yallits, a participant, writes:

Tuesday was another amazing day! Lots of hammering in the warm sun,and we have the house up with half of the roof nailed on. I can’timagine how excited the family must be. Some of the ninos (kids)dragged me to the playground today, and we spent at least half an hourdoing “capuchis” (under-ducks) on the swings. I also got to be atranslator this morning! We visited a shack made mostly of tarps,probably less than five feet tall and maybe 12×15 feet in size. Thiswas the home of SIX lovely young boys (ages around 1, 3, 4, 6, 9 and14) and a single mother. She was at work when we went, so we talkedwith the eldest who was left to take care of the five other boys allday. When we walked up to say “Hola” all the boys came up fairlytentatively, but smiling. I had the extreme pleasure of asking “Quenecesitas?” or what do you need. He didn’t say much so we asked ifthey had water and he used his hands to show us that they didn’t havemuch. We asked for his jug and went to fill it. We also stopped atanother family whom Hero Holiday had built a home for some time beforeand found out what they were needing. It wasn’t hard to come up withstuff, because I’m pretty sure they didn’t have much of anythingfood-wise. We went to the store and bought eggs, beans, sugar, flour,milk, orange juice, fruit, and even cookies, amongst a few smallerthings. When we dropped off the grocery bags full of food the littleguys were so happy. The oldest boy went a got a flimsy old translatorthat read “Thank you very much.” I wish I could see the moms reactionwhen she gets home from a back-breaking day at work. I hope we get tovisit that family again.Yesterday was so good too. We completely finished the roof whichinvolved half a day of playing with tar on a hot roof-top. I’veprobably never, been so dirty, but it was an awesome time. The rest ofthe group was busy painting the rest of the outside of the blue house,and started painting the pink interior. The windows were hung, and awall was put up in the middle of the house. We’re getting closer!Tomorrow we get to go teach English at the school next door. I’mpretty excited! It’s been such an awesome experience so far. Adios!

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: May 6th, 2010