Capuchi Capuchi!!!!!
Capuchi Capuchi!!!!!Day tres down in Mexico. Today was hot and amazing. This morning we got a chance for the church to see and hear us and what we’ve been doing lately, it was great to have that opportunity. After this we left to start our build, all the kids and families were so excited to see us “gringos” and help out. By the end of the day it was probably more playing around then work but we got the roof panels finished and ready to start the walls tomorrow. For supper we went and had tacos in the town, they were amazingly delicious! The ice cream we had after that wasn’t too shabby either. after a long day we got back to the compound and had some of the most refreshing showers of life! Great day today and ready to keep on doing the good tomorrow and the rest of the week.
Justin and DanielleMexico 2010