
Carson Graham – Things to Ponder…

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Today was interesting! I really enjoyed my time at the medical clinic today! The mixing of the concrete was tough as usual and personally I have never seen a bigger concrete mix than the one we made today! The two different sites are very different from each other because of their location. Mama and Freddy’s house is completely remote from many other houses in the area. Monkey Jungle is some distance away, however with the medical clinic being so important it becomes a distance people are willing to travel. I had a weird moment today also, when I was hungry and I chose to buy a twix bar. This made me stop and think, because I didn’t realize how easy and normal it seemed for me to stop and buy a chocolate bar, but then I felt a sense of guilt come over me when I thought about how out of the ordinary it would be for Mama and Freddy. This was something so insignificant, but helped me see the reality of what poverty really means for so many people. Even more motivation to finish the clinic which will help thousands in the future!

The weather was amazing today, but that also comes with the consequence of it being really hot! The sun is something that I don’t think that I will ever get tired of. I am impressed with the ability of many of the site workers to wear long pants. I remember in the past someone told me while I was in Ecuador that the reason why they wear pants and not shorts is because they are used to the heat. I guess I understand.

With this being my third trip and my second one to the Dominican Republic, I have to address the comparisons between the trips. With Mexico being very different in many ways it is hard for me to make many connections although the two Dominican trips are very different. In my last trip I was building a latrine for a small village and this time a house for a beautiful couple. These projects are different yet similar in their own ways. I have really enjoyed both these trips although I credit the first one as being the most life-changing experience as it was the first time I was exposed to extreme poverty. This evening is the movie in a village and my recollection is that it will be truly amazing for both myself and the others with me!

Lucas – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteer, Dominican Republic, 2013


Author: LiveDifferent

Date: March 21st, 2013