
A crazy, wonderful day

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What a another crazy, wonderful day today was. Second day on the build site and things were running like a clock. Almost all of the concrete walls were put up by the end of the day. I was so proud to see how hard everyone works on the site. If someone needs something, it just gets done. My wife Donna and I talked today about how well the whole LiveDifferent crew including the contractors are able to keep things so organized. Tonight we washed off the work grime and were treated to an incredible meal in the town of Cabarete.  Lots of great food and a chance to catch up with all of the week so far.

It has been very interesting to see how the culture works here. I still have not been able to figure out how this country truly operates. There is no well defined industry here besides the tourist industry, and I am still not sure who is a citizen or who is not. I am not even sure how the government raises money to pave the roads, or decides who gets a paved road or not. Amongst all of this there, is a very beautiful thing going on. This country has an amazing sense of community within its borders. Whether it be the Dominicans or the Haitian refugees, you constantly see smiles on peoples faces, a wave or a warm handshake from perfect strangers. Don’t get me wrong, not everyone is like this, this place has its bad apples too, however I have found most are welcoming and friendly. It brings back memories for me when I was younger and this type of community was seen in my neighbourhood where I grew up in Saskatoon. We played hockey in the street, neighbours knew each other, we looked out for each other. I miss this in my community. This place has left me with the realization that for all we have back at home in Calgary, I am truly missing this sense of community in our society. Just a little food for thought.

I love being here in Dominican Republic, I love being with the people I have met and most of all love be here with the love of my life, my wife Donna.

Tom ~ Hero Holiday volunteer 2013

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: April 9th, 2013