
A Domestic Work Day for the Shack Experience

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I must say, after yesterday’s long day of tomato picking I am extremely sore! I can’t imagine having to work that hard two or more days in a row. Today we worked for the Señora at the big house. She gave us coffee first thing – the best possible way the work day could have started. I have definitely learned to appreciate the little things more than I ever have before.

When the work day, which consisted of fixing the fence, washing windows and other cleaning, was over we went grocery shopping with the wages we earned from today. We bought pasta, sauce, hot dogs and tortillas. Supper was way better than last night, rice and bean tortillas! We finished building a small structure where we each had a bucket shower. It felt so good to be clean again after two, hot sweaty days. We also got a lesson on how to wash our clothes on the concrete washboard and are hoping the few items we washed in the dark will be clean and dry by tomorrow afternoon. Now that we are figuring out how to live like this I am enjoying this shack experience and am hopeful for a better night sleep than our first night in our new home.

~ Kristen Warnock, LiveDifferent Academy student


Author: LiveDifferent

Date: October 14th, 2011