
Dominican Medical Trip – First Medical Clinic

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We woke up this morning a tad anxious but full of excitement about our first clinic of the trip. Knowing that we only had a certain amount of time to be able to run our first clinic, we left the resort with determination so we could be back with ample time before the weather started turning bad. This clinic’s location was a new one to Hero Holiday and was somewhat more remote than what previous trips had experienced. The community members were predominately Haitian, which created an excitement in our team as some of them are bilingual in French and could converse with some of the patients. The day started off smoothly with a little rain and because of our organizational skills plus the respect, positive attitude, and patience of our staff and the patient’s, our first clinic was a success. 297456_10150277761185326_95760375325_7927118_7878434_n.jpgThe community was very gracious for the medcine that they received, while the children got to enjoy the company and fun that our team was only too happy to give! The children loved the stickers and suckers they got after seeing the doctor (some things are the same in all cultures!).314082_10150277759425326_95760375325_7927106_1997784_n.jpgWe would have loved to keep the clinic open all day but due to the weather we had to head back to the resort early. However, this didn’t stop the overwhelming help, hope, and appreciation that we exchanged with this Haitian community. ~ Megan, Emily, and Amanda

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: August 25th, 2011