
Of Flat Land and Epic Battles

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Hey everybody!

Just for those who are wondering (because I get asked about 200 times daily) my name is actually Hammer and I do indeed have two of the best parents ever. Hammer's  got hammersDJ thought I was insane (inside joke – see The Whole Nine Yards) when I told him how excited I was to come to Manitoba. Ever since we first heard we were going there I couldn’t wait to see flat land. Being from Newfoundland, finding any sort of land that isn’t riddled with rocks and hills is a pretty hard thing to come by. Lucky for me there’s plenty of it. When we’re on the road, as some of you may or may not know, Christian, DJ, Bryan and I like to be really cool and mature by playing with toy swords that we made ourselves while in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. But one day while battling in Wanipigow, Manitoba two of the girls, Laura and Nicole decided to join in. They battled each other using mine and Christian’s long swords and it was the most epic and hilarious battle ever. Laura took on the form of Xena warrior princess, horrifying high pitched screaming and all. But it was no match for Nicole who took on the form of a shark mixed with a t-rex…I know, scary right?

The Warriors

I cant believe this half of the tour is already half way done, it feels like we just started! Where have these past two and a half weeks gone? Must have been having too much fun battling, enjoying the scenery, playing shows for all you and even getting to meet some of you!

Thanks Manitoba, you’ve been amazing and will for sure be missed, you’ve made this tour an unforgettable experience!


Hammer Grooves

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: May 6th, 2010