Four Months and Not One Bad Day!
Did you know that it’s possible to go four months without having one bad day? Yeah I didn’t either, but due to a series of random events that resulted in my joining the LiveDifferent Academy, i now know that it is in fact very possible!
Something you should know about me is that I have a mother who is very into “finding your purpose in life” and I have spent many hours listening to her talk about “manifestation” and “the law of attraction”. But you know how your parents can tell you something a hundred times but yet it takes someone else telling you the same thing just once to make you take it seriously? Yeah that was one of those times! So in my grade 12 Leadership class I found myself making a vision board. For those of you who don’t know, a vision board is a collage of pictures and images depicting the things you want to have, be, or do in your life. “A vision board is a simple yet powerful visualization tool that activates the universal law of attraction to begin, manifesting your dreams into reality.” I included pictures of the places I wanted to travel to, the University I aspired to attend, and images of people doing the things I wanted to experience in my own life. The last image I added was a close up of a microphone with an audience in the background, representing my desire to be a motivational speaker. In my mind it was so far out there and I didn’t give it much thought.
This was the picture.
Fast-forwarding a few months to the summer after my high school graduation where I found myself adventuring through Europe. I experienced and saw some amazing things and met so many cool people. This kept reminding me of the previous summer where I had spent a month in Trujillo, Peru, volunteering in the slums of the city. I reminisced a fair bit and remembered how passionate and alive I had felt during that time. I wanted to feel that again! Not five years from now when I was finished University. I wanted it now! And so through a random series of events, which I have come to believe to have been not so random after all, I joined up with LiveDifferent as an Academy student.
Coming back to the present, I can say that I just spent the most amazing four months of my life touring across eastern Canada with an incredible team of people, doing motivational presentations in high schools throughout the country. WOW! What a life changing experience. I don’t even have words to describe the feeling of waking up every single day with such a strong sense of purpose, knowing there is nowhere in the world i would rather be and that I am doing exactly what I should be doing.
It was in a moment after one of our first shows in Kitchener, Ontario, that I realized something significant. I realized that the picture on my vision board of the close up microphone and the blurry crowd of people behind it was exactly what I had seen that day standing on stage. I was overwhelmed by the fact that not long ago it had seemed bizarre to think that I could ever be standing on a stage motivating others to believe that their lives have purpose and value.
Being on tour with LiveDifferent has been truly incredible to say the least. I have never felt so happy and whole (as corny as that might sound). Getting to meet students from across the country and having them tell their stories was something I will never forget. Being on the front lines of a movement that is challenging people from all walks of life to live out acts of love, hope, and change is an indescribable feeling.
So even though the past four months of my life posed times that were both challenging and rewarding, I can honestly say that nothing about it was bad. By looking at the challenging times as a learning curve, they simply turned themselves into opportunities for growth. Waking up every morning knowing that my life has purpose has enabled me to now tell you that, yes it is possible to go four whole months without having one bad day. 🙂
– Carina, LiveDifferent Academy Student, 2012/2013