Grace Baptist Mexico 2012 – Dedication Day!
Dedication day is always full of mixed emotions…pride over finishing a new home in only 5 days…pure joy over seeing the appreciation of the new family as we hand over the keys…and then sadness over the realization that we need to say goodbye to these families who are now in our hearts.
We took lots of photos, gave out lots of hugs and had so much fun watching the families check out their new home (especially the young children test-driving some new toys and jumping on their new beds!!) We also left a “touch of Calgary” with both families with some Calgary Flames jerseys that we encouraged them to wear with pride and memories of our team.
Today is fun day…we will spend the morning at a local market (not a tourist market, but one that “real Mexicans” shop at), and the afternoon at the beach where we will get to hike a volcano and enjoy the ocean (probably too cold to swim, but the ocean nonetheless!!)
And we will continue to process all we have seen, felt, done, and experienced while here…our world has many needs and we have come face to face with so many different ones…we have bonded as a group through it all which is so very neat to see, and we know that lifelong relationships have been formed because of it all!
Allison – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteer, Grace Baptist Church, Mexico 2012