Haitian Orphanage Emergency Project Part 2 – “The Orphan Diet”
Some of you may remember back in December 2008 when the Haitian Orphanage Emergency Project was initiated. Thanks to the generosity of many, this Orphanage in Port-au-Prince, Haiti was able to continue taking care of 68 little children who were in desperate need. Those finances helped to buy food (which was their biggest need at that time, and may arguably still be their biggest need), school supplies, wood to make beds and paid the rent for the building they are in.
Right now, “The Orphan Diet” is part two of a fundraising effort for the basic survival of these children. If you have not heard of the Orphan Diet, click here.However, we have an exciting announcement to make about this upcoming project: we have a generous donor that is willing to match every dollar given towards the Orphan Diet, up to $15,000! We could turn $15,000 into $30,000! This amount of money will go a long way to getting these children the help they need.
We will be focusing on getting these children medical attention (many of whom have never seen a doctor in their lives), renovating and updating their facilities, buying some much needed food, and more school supplies. You can be a part of this! Within the next year, we are planning our first ever Hero Holiday Trip to Haiti! Please stay tuned to our website for applications, dates and pricing. This trip will be for anyone 18yrs of age and older.To join the Haitian Orphanage Emergency Project facebook group page, click here.To see the original video from the Haitian Orphanage Emergency Project, click here.To donate to the Orphan Diet:
Mail Cheques and Money Orders to:Suite 400, 44 Hughson St. NorthHamilton, ONCanadaL8R 1G3*Cheques are payable to LiveDifferent (formerly Absolute) (Please memo your cheques: ‘the orphan diet’)By Credit Card (by telephone)To make a donation via credit card, call toll free 1 866 432 4464