
Having FUN in Haiti

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Today was another awesome (and hot) day in Haiti. The 3 days prior to this have been our work days…helping to build a kitchen at the boys orphanage and sanding and painting at the girls house.  Today we went to the tent village…the area set up for more children after the earth quake. As we got out of the van and approached the area, the children were jumping up and down and started singing! The kids here LOVE to sing. Each time we meet the kids and even while working, they sing their hearts out.I’ve been keeping a journal of my time here and trying to write in it every day about all the things that happen. I remember writing about both the girls and the boys house and how they have so little but want to share everything they have with you. The kids in this tent village are the same and have nothing but all their love, smiles, and laughter to share with you which is better then any material possession. The kids there sleep in tents with no beds and the tents were flooded from the rain last night. Each person on the Hero Holiday brought with them a bag of donations which we divided up among the different houses we have visited. We took a bag of goodies with us and had an awesome few hours of just playing with the kids. We played soccer, skipped with jump ropes, played frisbee, badminton, catch, flew kites and blew bubbles. We even had a water balloon fight!I don’t think I’ve ever seen happier kids! They have so much energy and easily wear us all out…especially in an area that is an open field where shade is definitely sparse. One girl in particular really enjoyed hanging out with me. We skipped together, played badminton and even just sat in the shade together and laughed at every one else playing and having fun.The best part of the day with the kids was when we busted out the colouring sheets and crayons! The kids didn’t know what was coming when we had them all sit down and started handing things out. Each child got a page to colour and 2 crayons. Then we started handing out stickers (which went on their colouring sheets, on their faces, on the shirts, and just about anywhere they could go!). Each child got a sucker and, the best of the best, a stuffed animal of their very own. Each kid got one that they get to have always. They traded until they were each happy with their selection and you could tell how much it meant to each and every one of them. Saying “Au revoir”  to them as we leave is never fun but it’s good to know we will be back to see them again! The little girl I spent most of my day with ended up signing her name on her colouring sheet and giving it to me when I left…. that picture will be going on my fridge when I get home.Aelea – Participant

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: May 6th, 2010