Just Another Day for Our Holiday of Heroes.
Dear diary,Today we woke up after a late night of pranks and stories to a gentle sound of our door flying off its hinges thanks to Brett, telling us to get ready for another day of loads work and great fun. I slowly climbed out of my top bunk and noticed that the sun was shining, it was going to be another beautiful day in Vicente Guerrero. My roommates hustled to the kitchen because they have now gone 4 hours without ramming their guts with some food. I slide on my Daisy dukes and slowly slip the fruit of the loom undershirt on thanks to the lobster colored burn we received in our first battle against the scalding sun in quest for the perfect tan and make my way to the kitchen.We all fill our water bottles and file into the wagon and I sit in the back with my 5 amigos. We manage to finish our 384ounces of Redbull in the last 3 days which would account for the 10 hours of sleep since we left our homes in Canada. We arrive to the work site with eagerness and a sudden 2nd wind from the late nights and over consumption of Redbull. We quickly meet the family with a strong hand shake and an attempt at the Spanish they only understand.
We jumped right in the work and threw the walls up all thanks to our great leadership and great workmanship. The kids see the pale skinned Gringos and instantly we get a smile to our face no matter how early it is, another new face turns up on site and they set up shop to sell us Mexican sweaters and jewelry. When we started putting on the roof Hurricane Javier decided to blow strong, but the fierce winds are defeated by our perseverance and team work; we were not going to let those young children see any weakness from our Canadian spirit.We quickly break for lunch and drove to the Pemex so the ladies in the group could use the facilities; even though we have 2 on site both of which are perfectly acceptable..Arriving back to the family we didn’t let any time waste we got right to work…… playing with the lil’ tykes and trying to communicate with them but we quickly notice that they don’t take our Spanish serious at all. Some of our team pushed the kids on the swings and some started handing out chili watermelon suckers that were LiveDifferent (formerly Absolute)ly disgusting to our virgin taste buds but the kids loved them. We ran out within seconds but with their warm community spirit they shared with their brothers and sisters. One angel in our group thought she would spoil these Mexican bundles of joy a little more and told the couple kids she’d buy them ice cream.Word spread round the village and $40 Americano dollars later all the kids were happy and filled with cold cream.
We then busted our behinds and got the roof tarred and shingled and called it a day. Standing on the roof with Kayla, Cory, Rory, Deborah, Justice, Corbin and Kira working hard and having more fun then the board game Trouble. The feeling of a day’s job well done, laughter from the children, team bonding, and the sticky feeling of tar all over your body and beautiful clothing filled my heart and spirit.We all loaded the bus and thought of the wondrous day we just wrapped up.Now we sit around this computer screen reflecting on our day and listening to lightly played Jimmy Buffet we have some laughs and have some good reflecting time, drinking Redbulls like they are going out of style and planning our pranks on the first guy to fall asleep in our room. Today was awesome, everything from the opening of the school to piggy-back rides to the ice cream man selling out within minutes. Just another day for our holiday of heroes.~ Jordon, Justis, & Corbin (Hero Holiday Participants in Mexico)