Little Things
Sometimes you may see or hear things on the news about poverty, but you never really know what it’s like until you’ve witnessed it first hand and met some of the amazing people who are “living in poverty”. I met so many amazing, selfless people, who were so generous and giving when they had very little to give.
We met so many people who opened up to us, and let us into their worlds. I never felt out of place or judged, instead I felt welcomed and loved by the people who accepted me into their homes and into their hearts. We met so many different people with diverse stories; from losing loved ones, to losing their homes, and of course many happy stories as well. But what amazed me was that these beautiful people have gone through so much struggle, but they light up the world despite the difficult things that they have encountered. It is inspiring to see such courage, determination, and strength that is displayed everyday.
The individuals I met in the communities of Arroyo Seco and Nuevo Renacer had so much faith, and they show so much gratitude for everything that they have, and continue to give even though they have little. I know a lot of people, including myself, who take for granted that we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and a comfy bed to sleep on. When we got the opportunity to provide an entire family with those things, there is truly no better feeling than being a part of making that possible.
I could tell so many stories about my experience, both happy and somber, but I think that everyone should experience this amazing opportunity for themselves. I am so inspired thanks to the amazing residents of the Dominican Republic that I met, as well as the LiveDifferent volunteers and staff, who are all very dear to my heart.
– Chaydin, LiveDifferent Volunteer, Summer Public Trip, Dominican Republic, 2015