Mmmm smells like popcorn!
Monday, September 21, 2009Building Day 3Today we were expecting it to be a big day. And it was….We basically finished the exterior of the house! Complete with the finishings on the roof …….we’d say (Mandy and I) it was the toughest task of the day because we spent the entire day smelling tar. Here in Mexico, they use the old-school style of roofing: shingle rolls, tar and some good ol’ fashion hammering. It doesn’t rain much so they can get away with it.Although we’ve heard stories of “tar fights”, the biggest debate of the day was how to REMOVE tar from our skin. We heard gas works, paint thinner works….our favorite choice, butter! Mandy is a genius. Minutes later we were squeaky clean of tar, smelling like buttered popcorn……..deeeeelicious!After a full day of hard work, no beach for us. Instead, a change of pace with a trip to a local cafe that serves up some delicious Starbucks style options at Mexico style prices :). As we slurped on cold drinks, we watched a movie called “Pay It Forward” starring Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Jon Bon Jovi and the kid from “The Sixth Sense” (we can’t remember his name, haha). Essentially, it was tears, tears and more tears. A solid reinforcement of our purpose here, and in life….Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Building Day 4Finishing day, Part 1! We finished windows, put in the door, polished off the roof completely, primed and started to paint the inside a lovely light blue.A couple of us also had some time to have an extensive chat with the Mama of the house we’re building for. She told us stories about her children, specifically the disabled daughter, Valeria. She’s the sweetest, happiest 18 year old ever. She doesn’t need to see or speak or walk to be happy….her soul solution is beats. Mama told us that she dances and shakes to the rhythm of our hammers….it was true. We saw her doing it. Somehow it was heartwarming and heartbreaking atthe same time.It was an extra long day. Hot, humid, and smelt like paint. After all of that, only one thing could cure our tiredness……. ocean :)Another Canadian fantasy day at the beach. Sunshine, HUGE waves, a bit cold (we’ve become wimps in 5 days, lol) but nonetheless, fantastico!
Waves work up our hunger, and it just so happened that we came home to a delicious, homemade Mexican feast. Can’t remember the name of them right now, but they are corn tortillas stuffed with roasted chicken and potatoes, deep fried and topped with whatever our hearts desired: guacamole, salsa, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, onions and anything else we could find. Amazing, just amazing. We’re eating like royalty…………….and loving it!PS. Because we love Luke, we locked him in the bano today 🙂