
With the Sound of a Wave

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TJOur first experience of Mexico was taken as a road trip down the Baja Peninsula. It was something even an amnesiac could not forget. it wasn’t as if we brought a child back from the brink of death, or saved an old widow from starvation. Certainly nothing to be put up there with Mother Teresa or Ghandi; it was just experiencing someone else’s life that was life changing in itself. How many people can say they have traveled six hours down a gravel road into a tiny fishing village off the Sea of Cortez? Or danced with friendly laughing Mexicans while waiting for the always late session of first aid to begin? Sharing your breakfast burrito with a hungry stray looking into its eyes and wondering if that was its last meal? We may not have gave a family enough money to never have to labour long hours again, but we did put beans in their pockets, life saving knowledge in their heads, and laughter in a child’s mouth. Was our week long excursion one to be remembered? I know it certainly touched me in a way I will never forget. I will always remember Mexico with the sound of a wave or a smile of a child.  (Teijna)camping on the beach

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: February 14th, 2009