
“There were definitely a few tears”

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I don’t remember the last time that I felt that what I was doing was so blessed. As we purchased furniture, food, toys, and dishes, and as we went about setting them up in the newly completed house, we were all very excited. Randy, Sonya and their children were all looking forward to seeing the inside of the house and a number of neighborhood children had joined us in the yard. The Torez-Gonzalez family treated us to a special feast of Tamales and then we gathered around thefamily for the dedication of the house.  Most of us, earlier in the week, confessed to having joined this trip for unknownreasons. Many of us had simply had the sense that it was the right thing to do. We couldn’t explain it. As we clustered around the Torez-Gonzalez family we were all happy to be there. Each of us was able to share our appreciation for them, and express our joy in being able to help them. There were definitely a few tears. The family was very excited, and very grateful for their new house. Randy sat at the new table we had all bartered for the previous day and he told us thathe had not had the opportunity to eat on a table like that for a very long time. They had been using plywood and old tires. Randy and his family had non-stop smiles as they walked through the rooms of their new home. It is hard for us to imagine what it is like to live as they had been. It has been impressed on us this week just how much wealth we have. Knowing that, it was really awesome to be able to give.  I cannot believe that it is our last day here and I think that I speak for all of our group when I say that I feel like I am leaving a piece of my heart behind with Sonya and Randy’s family.Joanna – UBCO Participant, May 2010

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: May 7th, 2010