
UBCO Trip Off to a Great Start

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Kyle Dyck, a participant with the UBCO private charter group, writes:

We finally made it to Mexico! The trip here was full of both excitement and nervous anticipation, but we also had a lot of fun. On the plane a few of us even managed to get bumped up to first class! The early Sunday morning might have been a bit more difficult for some than others, but we pulled through and enjoyed the sights on the trip from San Diego to Mexico. Since we’ve arrived in Vicente Guerrero, there have already been a few challenges. Whether returning or here for the first time, it’s always difficult to see the extent of the poverty and difficulty the people here face each day. It’s definitely tough to even come close to understanding how hard it would really be. However, it opened our hearts and prepared us to meet the amazing family that we are building the house for. Each member of the family was extremely welcoming and worked alongside us all day long. Some of the kids have already stolen our hearts, and we can imagine it will only become harder and harder to leave as the week goes on. The father, Randy, is truly inspiring both in his attitude and perseverance. It was a shorter work day than expected, but we all worked hard and we managed to get some good work done, and we can’t wait to get started again today! The friends we have with us have truly been a blessing, and we can’t wait to see how God will work in each one of us this week.

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: May 4th, 2010