Off to the Work Site!!
We woke up and we had a special breakfast served by our leaders. Which consisted of French Toast with peanut butter in the middle. YUM!! We all got our sunscreen on 😉 and got packed. Off to the work site!! As we got off the bus all these wonderful kids gave us high fives and huge smiles :D!! We got to work and many of the first time users of power tools were fascinated by how much fun it was! It was very hot and hard to keep a good work ethic, but in the end we all got a lot done!! We frequently took breaks to play with the children and water breaks to stay hydrated in the intense heat. We stopped for some lunch at the Pemex which is about the only Gas Station in Mexico.
At the point there was quite a few people that were starting to feel a little out of sorts. When we got back to the work site some people had to sit out because of heat (it’s way hotter than last year). After finishing up our day of work we went to the beach except for those who weren’t feeling well. We had a wonderful time!!! At night we had an excellent debriefing session and watched a few slide shows of pictures. Please pray that the team will be able to tolerate the heat and to keep working hard throughout the week. Christine Vis (our team nurse) is nagging us to keep drinking water so don’t worry. Pray that we will also have God’s plan shown to the team. It will be very hard saying goodbye to the kids so also thank God for the impact that they have had on our lives and us on theirs.Kayla and Colton