Final Thought From the University of Aberta Group In Mexico – ‘Unforgetable’
Hey Everyone!What an adventure this week has been. It has been filled with so many moving, inspiring, and fun times. I feel so privileged to have this opportunity to bless the lives of a very special family. Yesterday was our last day with Amelia and her kids. What an amazing day! We arrived at the build site at the same time as always and spent the morning setting up the inside of the house and putting some finishing touches on everything. Once was complete and in order, we gathered together with the family outside the house. Each one of us took a moment to say a few words of appreciation and thanks to the family for welcoming us into their lives and to share with them how wonderful our experience has been with them. Being able to express all of our love and care for the family was one of the highlights of the day. There were many tears and words of gratitude expressed from our group as well as the family. I felt very proud when Margarito showed himself as the man of the house. He expressed himself with great maturity and humility. After each person had an opportunity to speak Brianna (one of our student leaders) had the privilege of presenting Amelia with the keys to her new home. It was such an exciting moment. We all eagerly waited outside as Amelia and her children entered their new and completed home for the first time. The family took a few minutes to enjoy the experience. The joy and relief that filled their faces confirmed to me that all of the hard work we put in throughout the week was worth it. I will never forget those few moments when they first entered the home. Once the family was able to spend some time in their new home Amelia asked if someone would say a blessing. After cramming everyone into the house I was allowed the honor of saying this blessing. It was, and will remain, one of the most memorable moments of the entire week for me. I feel so privileged to be given the
opportunity to ask for peace and protection for this family. To share in their desires and hope for the future. I will never forget the strength and faith that Amelia demonstrates each and every day. It is both inspiring and challenging to my life, and I am sure the lives of many others as well.At the beginning of the week Amelia explained to us that her son, Jose, had passed away at the age of two years old. Earlier in the week our group decided that we wanted to spend some time with Amelia and her family at his grave. After dedicating the home we all piled into vehicles with the family and headed to the grave site. Alexandria was able to say a prayer of comfort for the family. Each of us were able to place some flowers on the grave and spend a few moments honoring Amelia and her son. Amelia made herself so vulnerable to us by giving us the opportunity to share in grief. This seemed to connect us with the family in an unforgettable way. In a way, Amelia made us a part of her family. Once we had finished our time at the grave site we headed back to the house to have lunch with the family. This was such a fun experience. It was so much fun to be able to share a meal with this family that has now come to mean so much to us. We spent our last moments with the family just enjoying each other’s company and making some wonderful memories that will last forever. Finally it was time to say goodbye for the last time. It was a very surreal moment when I realized that this was last time I would see this beautiful family. It was a bittersweet moment. Seeing the joy and gratitude that they expressed was incredibly rewarding. Knowing that we were leaving was heartbreaking. Before leaving we presented Amelia with a collage of photos from the week. She hung it on the wall in her bedroom. It is very humbling to know that my photo is hanging on the wall in the home a beautiful family who have now been given the chance to have a better life. This family has come to mean a great deal to each member of our team and will remain in our hearts always. It is wonderful to know that we will always remain in their thoughts and hearts as well.My hope and prayer is that Amelia, Margarito, Paulyna, Maria, Jose and Irma will continue to find love, joy and peace in their new home. They have been such a blessing and inspiration to our lives. As we make our way home I am filled a sense of loss as the distance between us and this wonderful family grows. However, no matter how far apart we are, I know that each one of us will remember this experience for the rest of our lives. We will never forget the effect that this family has had on our lives. I trust that the same can be said for them. No matter how far apart we are, or how much time goes by, we are forever connected to this family in a way that is life changing for us and for them. Thank you to Amelia and her family for giving us the privilege of being a part of their lives. We love you all!- University of Alberta Group Participant, Feb 2011