
GBC – Final days in Mexico

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 GBC finished houseGreetings from Mexico!Yesterday was an exciting, eventful and touching day, not only for us but for Martine and his family as well. We had the privilege of finishing the house and presenting them the keys! We also presented each family member with a special gift. In the process of completing our project we split into groups and do what girls (and Tyler apparently) do best, SHOP!  The morning group went furniture shopping at a local store where they learned the art of bargaining and “writing in the dust”. They we’re quite successful in their journey and came home with some screamin’ deals, and even a table for free! (probably because they bought the whole store) The second group then proceeded to Mexi-Mart (as Meghan called it) and purchased groceries and things to make the house feel a little more like home. It was a bit of gong show having so many blonde girls walk into a Mexican market, but we survived. After loading everything in the house and giving it a good dusting, the family was ready to be acquainted to their new home!  We stood in a large circle and got to say a little something to the family which was translated by Santiago, and in return they spoke what was on their hearts to us. There were many tears involved as we finally realized we were finished what we had set out to do and that this was our very last moments we would get to spend with the family we had grown to love.beach buggyToday was our day of rest and relaxation! We took a trek to the market to do some last minute shopping, which was an experience in itself. We then drove to the beach and had the experience of a lifetime when we hiked up a dormant volcano!  When we reached the top and saw the breathtaking countryside, it made the hike all worth it!  We frolicked and splashed around in the FREEZING Pacific ocean and then headed back to town and stopped at the Taco stand, Muy Bueno!  Lucas and Stephanie enjoyed intestine taco’s, you can ask them how that went.GBC teen with girlThis trip has been such a wonderful growing and learning experience for all those involved. I can not even believe that we leave Mexico tomorrow, its so heartbreaking to go. But now its our time to take what we’ve learned and apply it to our own lives, in our homes, our cities and our country.Buenos Noches from Mexico!Missing & thinking about you all- by Lauren & Meghan

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: July 11th, 2009