Hola from Mexico!
Hola from Mexico!We have arrived in Vincente Guerrero safely, and this is day three of the house build! Everything is going smoothly and we now have the house up and standing! I believe there are some pictures up on the site but I’m not certain. Feel free to take a look if you’re curious! It’s always a really good feeling to get the walls up and feel accomplishment in your hard work. Today we are working on tarring the
rooftop. It’s incredibly hot here, especially for us Newfie’s who are used to our summers consisting of two degree weather and constant rain, (haha) but we’re keeping hydrated for the most part, drinking lots of water and getting lots of electrolytes.As for the family themselves, they are nothing short of spectacular. In case you don’t really know a whole lot about them, the family members are dad Antonio, mom Eulugia, eleven year old Carmen, nine year old Julian, three year old Veronica and newborn Marco. Everyone is so friendly. The old house that the family used to live in was made by Antonio, and it is remarkable. It’s constructed from mostly cardboard and plastic but it is beautifully crafted. He’s so resourceful. I could never have been able to put together anything near what he has with the same materials. They truly deserve to have this house built for them.
The kids are really cool too. Julian keeps mocking everyone whenever they speak english. It’s really cute, like he wants to learn english. Veronica is adorable. She’s a really big daddy’s girl. Whenever she sees Antonio, she runs right for him and her tiny face completely lights up. When we were putting up the walls he was helping us out and Veronica started to screech for her papa. She was so sad because she couldn’t be by his side for that moment. Seeing how much she loves her dad just breaks your heart. Carmen is also really smart too.
Her families native language is “Trike” but she also knows a lot of spanish. She translates to her mom what is being said because Eulugia doesn’t know spanish very well. She’s also very helpful with the housebuild as well. All the family and the neighbouring people are as well. Most of the kids can use the tools better than us! I could go on for pages about how much fun they are to play with too. There is a language barrier, however you’d be surprised how much you can understand one another even if you don’t speak the same language, and laughter is always universal.
Anyways, that’s all from me! Everyone here sends their love back home. Emily misses her dog a lot. We wish you all well, but don’t be enjoyng yourselves too much without us! (haha, just kidding)Peace & Love,Brittney