It Only Takes ONE Person…
Throughout our School of Leadership student’s year, they are asked to read numerous books to enhance their knowledge of global issues and to challenge their world views. One of the first books on the list is, ONE: A Face Behind the Numbers by our very own CEO, Vaden Earle. This book is great to learn from about the main causes and effects of poverty and helps our students begin their journey on educating themselves and others.Here is a small excerpt from Sarah’s report on the book:ONE: A Face Behind the Numbers is a great read, not only because it doesn’t take hours and hours to read, but because what you do read will impact you, no matter who you are. It inspires you to give more of yourself, even if you have the coldest heart. It will make you think twice about your actions on an everyday basis. After putting the book down, you may not remember all of the statistics, but you will remember the personal stories of children all around third world countries. That’s a good thing, because remember, it’s not about the numbers, but the faces behind them.
Throughout ONE: A Face Behind the Numbers, I kept constantly questioning how I was blessed to be born in such a country where we have everything, and yet just because millions of others were born in a different country, makes them have significant less than I do?I know that with having this privilege comes great responsibility. I know that because I was blessed with many things, including a wonderful country, that I am to take that and run with it. ONE made me realize and become aware of many things.
- It only takes ONE person to find out something significant in order to mess up their life, and the lives of others. ( In the most incredible way, of course ).
- It only takes ONE person to stand up and be the voice for the voiceless. (Even though their cries are much more powerful than a voice.)
- It only takes ONE person to create change. (You just have to step out in faith ).
- It only takes ONE person to do anything they want to. Because with having one courageous person, others will join and follow.
Third world country statistics need to change. We need to hear less stories about dying, and more stories about living and hope. Children cannot go on living this way. They shouldn’t be focused on how they’re going to provide for their siblings, they should be focused on things normal kids do: imagination. Imagination that takes ONE person. A person who can imagine a life of a healthy, happy world. Because hey, if you can imagine it, you can believe it. If you believe it, it can become a reality. It only takes ONE. Because of this book, I am inspired to be that ONE, and try to change the way that many, many people live, or, in this case, barely live.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in reading, feel free to contact our office to purchase one or order it off of the Chapters/Indigo website: