
LiveDifferent Reunion!

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It has been an amazing experience being back in Mexico again.  The highlight of our trip so far has been visiting with the beautiful family we had the chance to build for last year.  The connections that we made with Jesus, Katherine, and Abdiel were beyond our expectations.  It was the greatest feeling seeing them standing outside this year’s house build after walking all the way from their home to see us.  Even though it was a quick visit, it was a breathtaking moment seeing their faces after a year. 

Later on in the week we got the opportunity to go visit them and see how they’ve turned their house into a home.  Unfortunately Jesus wasn’t home, but we were able to speak with Katherine.  Walking around their home and seeing how well they are doing brought tears to our eyes.  The fact that they have bought a car, a fridge, and many toys for Abdiel, goes to show how we’ve given them a hand up instead of a hand out.  Being able to talk with Katherine and hearing her say she hasn’t forgot about us, and how grateful she was that we hadn’t forgotten about her, was a feeling that words can’t describe.

Not only did we get to know Jesus, Katherine, and Abdiel last year, but we got the chance to know Katherine’s brother, Jonathan, as well.  For our recent house build, knowing that Jonathan was our translator was exciting, but when we saw him for the first time in a year it didn’t seem real.  We were so overwhelmed with happiness that we got the chance to reconnect with him.  Overall, we’ve had an amazing time, but nothing beats the feeling of being reunited with a family that made such an impact on our lives and seeing the progress that they’ve made in a year.

Tayler and Sarah – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteers, Mexico,  2013

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: April 2nd, 2013