The Medical Clinic Visits the Village of Mosovi
Today was the second day of our medical clinic. We traveled over the bumpy roads to the small Dominican village of Mosovi. There, we were greeted by hundreds of locals looking forward to their visit with the dentist or doctor. Setting up our tents we assumed our roles. The two of us, Laura (nursing student) and Scott (Kinesiology student), were both stationed with a doctor. The experience of working alongside as a partner to these experienced health care professionals was amazing to say the least. The opportunity to practice the skills we have learned in school, in a real life situation, was incredible. Being able to assist in diagnosing with the doctors and having our opinions of certain things, including pharmaceuticals and physical therapy taken seriously was so incredible. Having the opportunity to practice general medical skills such as using the stethoscope, otoscope, and stabilizing joints allowed us to view an array of ailments and disorders.