
Sarah’s Blog – Being Home (MX Intern 2012)

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It’s funny how a place you go only once a year can become your home – more so than where you are actually from. I have spent the last month interning in Mexico and it has been beyond amazing. The people I have met for the first time or once again all have a special place in my heart.

Coming home to Mexico every year is what keeps me going when I’m back in Canada. It is my motivation to do well in school and save money for next summer to come back and do it all again. However each time is different – new people, new families, and new experiences. The diversity amongst those three things alone is something I yearn for.

Not only do I learn from the families I build for, which is a given, but I learn from the people I meet on each trip. Each of us has a purpose in life, and when we can all join together for the same purpose, we accomplish so much. 

Each night we have debriefing where we talk about our day or discuss global awareness. You never do know what people will say when talking about poverty, statelessness or the like. Things you never expect from some people just blow you away at what they think. And when someone else says exactly what you are thinking, you know that you’re in the right place.

Something that keeps me coming back every year is getting to visit families I’ve built for in previous years. Going to see how they are doing, what has changed and how they have made their house a home is so rewarding. You get to see how you made a significant difference in their lives through them telling you how school is going for the kids, how work is going for the parents and many other things.

However the best out of all of this is their smiles. When they recognize you and realize that you’ve come back, there is nothing to compare that to. These families may hope that one day they will see you again, but they can never know for sure. But when you do go back to visit, they are beyond happy. You can become so much closer with them even within a short time, because the bond you share becomes stronger and they truly realize that you haven’t forgotten about them.

Being an intern means I’m here for a month and last year that was a perfect amount of time. But being here this year there’s something different – I want to be here longer. I want to meet more local people, create bonds with new families and be happy for longer. It’s often hard to bring the happiness I experience here back to Canada because there aren’t many people to talk about my experiences with. Sure I can talk about my tan or how my month was so amazing, but details don’t get shared often. But if I could be here for longer, maybe just move here, I can retain this happiness for much longer.

The other night while I was leading debriefing I got to listen to everyone talk. I mean I do that all the time, but it’s different here. Here I get to listen to people talk about what they love, what they are passionate about. There is nothing better than the look in someone’s eyes when they tell a story from their day that I know they will remember for a long time. Their eyes light up and their smile is contagious. If I could even just do that for the rest of my life, my time would be well spent.

Sarah – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Mexico Intern 2012

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: August 24th, 2012