
Rain, Waves, Sunshine and Song in the D.R.

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It’s hard to believe you can pack so much into 48 hours – but we have!
We have done it all: worked in the rain wearing garbage bags, sweat in the sun as we flung cement at the walls of the house we are smooth coating, sang as we worked and played baseball in a field dodging cow pies as we ran around the bases, and bobbed in the waves of the ocean. This is the life!
Our Hero Holiday D.R. team has been packing each day full of adventure. But more than that, we have been a part of something that is bringing hope and change to a family and community that is inspiring us to return home changed.
The Martinez family in Arroyo Seco will never be the same because of the new home that they are about to move in to at the end of our time with them.  But the people who have joined us here to make it all possible will never be the same either. Each of us, whether we are the ones giving or the ones receiving, recognize the incredible power of working together to see a dream come to pass.
So to all of you in Canada that are preparing to ring in the New Year, here is our wish to you: make 2012 the year that each of us chooses to ‘LiveDifferent”!

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: December 30th, 2011