
Teary Goodbyes

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Today was an intense day.  So, this is our last week in Mexico, and although I am very happy to see my friends and family back home in Canada, I am also so sad.  I woke up feeling pretty good about everything.  We had class just like usual, then we headed off to teach English at the Pasao San Quintin school one last time.  I was completely fine.  We taught our lesson and then Rosa started talking to the class… she started telling the kids how much we loved coming to see teach them and getting to know them.  My tears then started flowing.  I didn’t even mean to, I just started crying so much.  Yolanda, a 12 year old who is extremely smart and a great kid, came up to me and gave me a huge hug.  Whoa!  That just made me cry even more!  I love those kids so much and am going to miss them a lot.  Today we taught them how to say “Goodbye” and “See you later”.  I could barely help teach the lesson because I was so shaken up about having to say goodbye and not knowing when I will get to see these kids again.  We also asked the kids a few questions about school.  We asked them what they liked about school.  Most of them said things like reading, studying and learning.  They told us that they had great ambitions for their futures.  Some wanted to be vets, teachers, lawyers, fire fighters, soldiers, police officers, and even the President.  I hope the best for these kids.  I will pray for them all the time in hopes that these kids can accomplish their dreams.  We all got together after class and said our goodbyes, even though we are going to see them tomorrow for a movie night.  Then when we said goodbye to Pedro, the teacher, I cried some more!  I had a bit of an emotional break down, but I am so happy and so proud of these kids.  They are great kids and I am thankful that I got to know them. 

After that we went to a different Pedro’s house.  The Pedro that we built a house for in September.  We had previously ordered special bracelets and poncho’s from him because he is a vendor.  He made us all some very beautiful bracelets and we are all now equipped with all of our Christmas gifts! 🙂  Getting to see what he has done to his house since we built for him was neat.  It was great to see the family and try out my Trikee words.  They have added a concrete pad in front of their house and they have secured their bano very well.  I am so happy for this family as well! 

Well sleepy time for me.  I have had a long emotional day and am trying to pack my first suitcase.  Hmm.. I wonder how I am going to fit all of this stuff into these two little bags. Well that’s a challenge for a different day! 

Thanks for reading!
~ Lisa G! A LiveDifferent Academy student in Mexico


Author: LiveDifferent

Date: December 9th, 2011