
They are the heroes, not us…

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As one of sixty students on the Carson Graham Hero Holiday, I feel as though I am part of a large family – the way we have bonded on this trip has been amazing! Enemies have become friends, and friends have become best-friends. My team worked diligently with the help of Saul, the best carpenter I have ever met, who is a very great person with an awesome sense of humor. As we worked, the kids from the community also came to help us put the finishing touches on their house.

The family I had the pleasure to work with is strong and courageous. When we finished, we asked the family to come out and see the completed house, (although they have probably seen it one hundred times by now as we were working on it). But this time was different, this time they were looking at a finished house, which was now their very own. We gathered in a semi-circle around them and told them how they were the heroes, not us, and how seeing how they live their lives will forever change how we live ours…needless to say, many of us were in tears! Our supervisor, Mr.Olson, gave them their key and as they walked towards their house and unlocked their door, it seemed as if they were going to be overcome with emotion. Our team had provided furnishings and supplies using the money we fundraised, and so they had new chairs, tables, groceries, mattresses, cooking stoves, and probably for the first time in their life, a door that locks. The kids were also very exited to see their new room, and their new toys! It was really hard leaving all of that excitement and happiness behind, but we knew we could not over-stay our welcome. 

For me, this day was the most important day of the trip. Throughout the trip I have felt torn – at times I just wanted to leave because it has been so difficult being faced with all these emotions every day, and sometimes it really is back breaking work! But I also want to stay, and spend the rest of  my life here, building homes and sharing with these wonderful people. People usually go to resorts in Mexico, but to all of us, THIS is the most beautiful part of Mexico. 

– Eisa

Author: LiveDifferent

Date: March 15th, 2012