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Completed Projects in Haiti

23.6345° N
102.5528° W

Very brief copy about the location and surrounding area

23.6345° N
102.5528° W

Very brief copy about the location and surrounding area

23.6345° N
102.5528° W

Very brief copy about the location and surrounding area

23.6345° N
102.5528° W

Very brief copy about the location and surrounding area

Completed in 2009

Project Name

Project Name Martina (54), Pedro (61)Martina and Pedro live on their own in a shack next door to their land. They have three children, Daniel, Pedro and Angelica who live with their cousin not to far away in Zapata because their is not enough room for them at home. All three attend school. Pedro has worked hard to prepare his land so one day he can build his family a new home big enough for everyone to live. Pedro works at the local strawberry fields where he is a security guard. He rides his bike to and from work everyday to save on the cost of transportation. Martina walks to Zapata where her three kids are to help make dinner every day. Pedro is especially excited for this welcome change and is looking forward to meeting the group that will help him build a new home for his family.

Completed in 2009

Project Name

Project Name Martina (54), Pedro (61)Martina and Pedro live on their own in a shack next door to their land. They have three children, Daniel, Pedro and Angelica who live with their cousin not to far away in Zapata because their is not enough room for them at home. All three attend school. Pedro has worked hard to prepare his land so one day he can build his family a new home big enough for everyone to live. Pedro works at the local strawberry fields where he is a security guard. He rides his bike to and from work everyday to save on the cost of transportation. Martina walks to Zapata where her three kids are to help make dinner every day. Pedro is especially excited for this welcome change and is looking forward to meeting the group that will help him build a new home for his family.

Completed in 2009

Project Name

Project Name Martina (54), Pedro (61)Martina and Pedro live on their own in a shack next door to their land. They have three children, Daniel, Pedro and Angelica who live with their cousin not to far away in Zapata because their is not enough room for them at home. All three attend school. Pedro has worked hard to prepare his land so one day he can build his family a new home big enough for everyone to live. Pedro works at the local strawberry fields where he is a security guard. He rides his bike to and from work everyday to save on the cost of transportation. Martina walks to Zapata where her three kids are to help make dinner every day. Pedro is especially excited for this welcome change and is looking forward to meeting the group that will help him build a new home for his family.

Completed in 2009

Project Name

Project Name Martina (54), Pedro (61)Martina and Pedro live on their own in a shack next door to their land. They have three children, Daniel, Pedro and Angelica who live with their cousin not to far away in Zapata because their is not enough room for them at home. All three attend school. Pedro has worked hard to prepare his land so one day he can build his family a new home big enough for everyone to live. Pedro works at the local strawberry fields where he is a security guard. He rides his bike to and from work everyday to save on the cost of transportation. Martina walks to Zapata where her three kids are to help make dinner every day. Pedro is especially excited for this welcome change and is looking forward to meeting the group that will help him build a new home for his family.


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