Hit the Road

Source: The Scrivener, Volume 22, Number 3, Fall 2013. http://www.notaries.bc.ca/resources/scrivener/Fall2013/pdf/Scriv%20Fall%2013-online.pdf
Although we have left our own families behind, we have become a part of a bigger family. From the first day we stepped off the bus, it was amazing to feel so welcomed by all of the people in the village. It was like we had known everyone there our whole lives. It was so nice to see people from the village come together to help not only the families we are building for, but us too. The lack of jealousy and generosity is simply mind blowing.
Today, we did a day in the life activity where we spent the morning with a separate family that consisted of a single mother (22 years old) with a three year old boy. We started the day by hand washing the clothes that were dirty for two weeks, because believe it or not, she simply could not afford detergent. Almost everything done down here is by hand therefore requiring a lot more time and work. We cannot tell you how grateful we should be for having machines to do almost everything back home. We then had to walk to her mother’s house with the clothes in buckets to hang them outside in her back garden (not your typical back garden) to dry. She does not hang them outside her own home because she is afraid that they will be stolen. We could not believe that the little boy had for example, only two pairs of underwear and about three shirts.
On another note, every time it rains the mother has to put plastic bags on the ceiling above their beds because the roof is leaky. Although she does this, some of her things still gets wet including her bed. We also helped her prepare lunch that was provided by LiveDifferent. We helped her cook half of a chicken with rice and a small amount of vegetables that was going to be shared among six people. It was so nice to see how giving she was with so little, to share the meal with some of her family. One thing we couldn’t believe was how little they waste. When we were adding the rice into the pot, she wanted every single grain to go in!
We cannot believe that today was our last day of work! It was extremely hard work but definitely worth the effort and time. We are so looking forward to dedicating the house to the families. Not only will their lives change but ours have as well.
Ashley & Melanie, LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteers, Dominican Republic, Making More Change Trip, 2013
Well here we are into our fourth day of our Hero Holiday. Never would we have imagined the feelings and emotions both mentally and physically that we were about to face when we signed on for this project. It has not only been four days of intense work, but it has also been time spent getting to know many families and becoming part of their everyday life. We are both so privileged and honored to be part of this amazing life changing experience, which we would not be taking part in without such a wonderful organization known as LiveDifferent and for that we thank you.
Krista and Ronnie, LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteers, Dominican Republic, Making More Change Trip, 2013
How does anyone even begin to describe an experience such as this? I for one have no idea how I will go back home and try to process this experience. I am very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to witness and be part of the change that is currently taking place in Nueveo Rancer. I am only 15 myself, and I am totally amazed at the amount of young girls my age who are left on their own, and are already mothers. These people with smiles for everyone and are so welcoming to us. The children here work as hard or harder as any adults, anywhere. I am enjoying every free minute I get to spend time with the children for they are the happiest people you could meet, even with the little that they do have. I was also able to spend a few hours in a house with a family. I was amazed by how much we really take for granted. Things such as turning on a light switch, and turning on tap aren’t so easy here. I am so proud to be a part of this change.
Amber – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteer, Dominican Republic, Making More Change Trip 2013
Do you love pizza and love to do a little good for the world at the same time? Check out the Boston Pizza Foundation’s Kids Cards! From now until October 31, the sale of BP Kids Cards will be benefitting charities across Canada, and LiveDifferent is one of the charities that are going to feel the love!
The Boston Pizza Foundation is charity partners with many amazing organizations across Canada, including Big Brothers and Big Sisters, JDRF, Kids Help Phone and LiveDifferent. The foundation also helps to support and sustain a host of regional and local efforts across Canada.
LiveDifferent is proud to partner with the people at the Boston Pizza Foundation and we are proud of all that we are accomplishing together. During the month of October, for a minimum donation of $5 to the Kids Cards, you will receive 5 free kids meals.
Heck, at that price, why not take the neighbourhood out for a little Boston Pizza and help LiveDifferent in the process?
So here we are after our first day visiting the village we will be working in. We had no idea how life changing this experience is actually going to be. The sense of community and love for one another was overwhelming. We don’t realize how lucky and privileged we are to live in a country like Canada. The things that we take for granted every day are things that those people could only dream of.
The people at LiveDifferent are doing so much to help these people to have a chance for a better life, not only for the families we are building the homes, for but for each and every person in their village and we are so grateful that they have given us this opportunity to help them make a difference. It is In giving that we receive, and they are giving us so much more that we could possibly ever give just by the smiles on their faces and showing us their love. It is more than we could have ever imagined!
Michelle & Michelle – LiveDifferent Hero Holiday Volunteers, Dominican Republic, Fall 2013