Category: Road Team
One sunny day in the in the brisk air of autumn, in a province known for its rolling landscape of hills and mountains, known as BC; British Columbia there was a team of nine people who much like Christopher Columbus were discovering new worlds that they did not yet know of but were having an overwhelmingly exciting and educational time learning and exploring the newness of these lands. It was not only in the province of BC that they were expeditioning as for they had also been located earlier on in the previous hours in the lands of Saskatchewan; the flattened part of this country in which you can watch your dog run away for weeks, and Alberta; place of the big trucks, cracked wind shields and big oil farming industries. On this fine day they had adventured from Saskatchewan to BC with their great leader and captain, Father Jamie on their shipbus Black Cheta, the infamous yet trusty vessel that brought team 2 from place to place and journeyed with them as part of their team. It was the furthest towards the tip of the earth, known as north, which the team had ventured so far and the views surrounding Black Cheta were miraculous views of their fine country that some had not thought to be possible. The world was molded into a variety of shapes that would fit any idea a person could have; from the waves of an ocean to the imitation of the clouds, it was really quite the sight.
Now that the scene and the atmosphere have been set out it is time to address the activities of this time frame as much occurred in the several hours surrounding these days. They had performed an informational presentation at an institute for youngins to learn, and had a rather amazing experience at this location. Several members of team 2 had stellar conversations with the students of the high school after the show and they really sparked up some great talks that both participants will remember for years to come. As proof to this our other leader, Navigator Brittany, reconnected with students with whom she had become acquainted with the previous year. The impact that we had on the school was astounding to see and inspiring to all members. The students were well riled up during the time which the three boys in our team known as the Half Singing Chancers got up and made jams, that is music as they call it. Whilst Father Jamie was harvested into a new being known as Animal Master and lead an excersisional routine the crowd was right rowdy and just loved it. When other members told their stories the students leaked from their eyes with emotional connection. Overall the crowd was a jubilant jumping expanse of people seated on the gym floor, what an inspiration!
Another adventurous situation that occurred in the town that was quite confused as to what province it is in, known as Lloyd, is known as The Great Flood. One preposterously interesting day the team was wonderfully constructive; the girls got stuff done with Father Jamie and Half Jordan such as shopping for items and off-road cart racing and the Singing DJ and Chancers Ryan killed zombies on a screen. Our fearless leader concluded that Black Cheta needed an automated bath, but the machinated location bath which he decided to cleanse our tranporter with had it out for the two. As the bath started and the two were stuck in it the water from the showerbath started to pour into the bus! Father Jamie gunned it out of the bath and into the sunny world, only to realize that the innards of Black Cheta were wet and the vocal system for our ship was broken. Oh how would we have our sing-alongs and dance parties during the long hours in which we traveled from town to town?! Have no fear! Our leader’s motto/most said saying is “I can fix this!” and so he did. He healed the vocal cords of the bus and that evening we had a noise record breaking dance/sing-along party. It was a fine day in the realm of team 2’s world and all was well in their part of the universe.
Taken from this blog story informational piece should be that team 2 is awesome. And BC is best experienced the same way as life; driving through it and seeing it all from a close up distance. Also please realize that we do not intake any substances that will affect our wellbeing and are thus known as illegal.
The end.
Beth, LiveDifferent Academy Student, Fall 2013
Hit the Road

There’s one “Chelsea” in every crowd

Hakuna Matata

This is It!
Overture, curtains, and lights – this is it the night of nights. No more rehearsing and nursing our parts for we know every part by heart – at least we hope!
It’s been 2 weeks since Thomson and I bounded into the Magill house here in Hamilton and what a couple of weeks it has been. There are 13 Academy students (all girls) along with three road team assistants (2 girls, 1 boy), and two bands (6 boys). If you lost count that’s 22 people in total. We have 2 kitchens and 3 bathrooms, which makes the morning routine quite an interesting one. All of the Academy students are amazing women from right across the country and together we make a really dynamic team of young people ready to create change.
Our first night together before we tackle the grocery store
The staff here in Hamilton didn’t wait to start to get us involved in everything LiveDifferent. On the first day together we were teamed up and put to the challenge of an epic photo scavenger hunt. Throughout the afternoon we ran around the downtown of Hamilton looking to make new friends, dance the hokey pokey with children, and complete random acts of kindness. We made complete fools of ourselves but it was an amazing time and a great way to be introduced to all the culture Hamilton has to offer.
Scavenger hunt item – fit all your team members under a bench
Later in the week the co-founder of LiveDifferent, Christal Earle, sat all of us down and encouraged each of us to share what life event had brought us to this program. After crying our way through almost two jumbo boxes of Kleenex we had all spilt our guts. You could tell very quickly the dynamic of the group change – these ladies were no longer friends, they were family. No matter what each of us had or hadn’t been through we all came together to support, encourage, and empathize. No one was left out, no one felt alone. It was a tough day but we got through it – together.
Working on stories with the ladies.
Most of my time over the past two weeks has been spent at a local church in Burlington that used to be a popular nightclub. Although it’s a little rough around the edges it has become our second home here. We spend hours each day setting up and tearing down stage sets, learning all the parts the make up a show, and practicing speeches. All of the storytellers have written and memorized their story and the show is looking amazing. Jamie, Johnny, and staff have worked really hard on all the videos that are in this year’s production and they have all turned out really great. I can’t wait to get the students’ reaction to them on Tuesday (that’s right – we start our GTA tour on Tuesday). I’ve been amazed and impressed these past few days as I’ve watched my fellow students really strive towards excellence and because of that make huge leaps and bounds in everything that they’re doing.
Our stage all set up ready to begin rehearsal.
As I sit here tonight listening to kids play in the backyard next door, the chatter of giggly girls from downstairs, and airplanes overhead, I can’t help but feel different then I did when I sat on my own back deck in Barrie just two weeks ago. With the help and support of these girls I’ve gained the courage to share publicly parts of my story that I have spoken to very few people about. I think for the first time in a long time I’m starting to recognize why I was put on this earth and that there is much more to my story.
Last night with the Mexico girls at a local hangout spot
Stay tuned for so many more exciting adventures!
Michelle & Thomson – LiveDifferent Academy Volunteer and Awesome Seeing-Eye Dog, Team 1, Fall 2013
Coffee, Rock Stars, and Thrift Stores

Scooby-Doo: The Adventures of Bell Island
Remember waking up early Saturday morning as a kid and running downstairs to turn on Scooby-Doo cartoons? We always thought the gang’s crazy and creepy experiences were amusing…until recently when our team got to experience a real-life episode of Scooby-Doo.

Cauliflower & Real Talks
I found out that I was allergic to cauliflower the hard way and up-chucked my entire dinner in a mall parking lot tonight. I can’t sleep, so I’m hanging out with my brother, Mike, and having some “real talks”. Real talks are the down to earth, nitty gritty, feelings, life and all that kind of conversation – generally reserved for family and close friends.
I am lucky in the sense that I do get to be on the road with my band (Mosely), because they are my family. Mike is literally my family, but I’ve known Mat for about 10 years now. And though Tom is new to the picture, we’ve toured together twice before, and we’ve all become fast-friends, so we are all familiar with my “real talks” and how they make you stay up and think about things.
Even though I have so many people I love with me, I do still miss home. But every day I remind myself why I am doing this and when I take that moment I realize that I am loving so much about being on the road, and I have this incredible opportunity to impact people’s lives! I’ve had young guys and girls come up and tell me that they have been through some really horrible stuff, but that seeing our presentation and hearing our stories has given them hope. They tell me that they no longer feel like they’re alone in their situation.
I have been there, too.
I remember quite vividly coming home from middle school in tears after being taunted for not wearing the right clothes or for being the weird kid, which was actually because I took an interest in art. It wasn’t “cool” to be the artsy kid. I am so thankful that I was never successful in my attempts to end the pain that my school mates inflicted on me with their harsh words. Instead, I endured it. My mom and dad played a big role in that, they always encouraged me to stay true to myself, but I can’t ignore the way my little brother helped me. Mike was going through the same things I was, but he still looked up to me. He thought I was a pretty cool big sister, and that I was really popular. I don’t know how he got that idea in his head, but it made me want to fight for him. I couldn’t let him continue to be bullied the way I had been, I had to show him that it was okay to be yourself, and even more so… I had to be there. I needed to stick around for him and for me. So, when I hear that these students are being impacted by our presentations, and that their perspectives are being changed, and they’re starting to realize their worth and their purpose, I am inspired to continue to do what I do.
Thanks to my little brother and my amazing family, I went on to do great things; I graduated from an amazing arts high school, I got a diploma in Broadcast Television, I realized my love for music and started a band that I am truly proud of. I also continue to be interested in and pursue art, because that’s what makes me come alive. This tour has made me come alive in ways I was not aware even existed, and I am so truly thankful for it, all the amazing adventures, experiences and all the “real talks” it has allowed me to partake in.
Dani – Lead Singer of Mosely, LiveDifferent Team Two, Spring 2013
Making Music and Making a Difference
My name is Philip, and I’m the lead singer/guitarist of Quebec rock trio The Sound Approach. For the next four months, I will also be a member of Team 1 of LiveDifferent’s motivational productions division, which means I will be going from Ontario to Newfoundland (and everywhere in between), spreading a message of purpose and hope in Canadian high schools. So, only a few weeks & half a dozen shows into the experience, what are my first impressions? Here are some thoughts.