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“Friends” – Final Thought From School Of Leadership Community Build In Mexico Thursday was our last day of building and consisted mainly of spreading… Read more
“Going home is going to be difficult” I think it is pretty safe to say the time LiveDifferent (formerly… Read more
“Mister”, Frisbees, and a Taco Stand that Could Change Your Life Greetings from Mexico!So we are all safe and sound here at our… Read more
“One, two, three, lift!” – Mexico Hero Holiday BUILD BUILD BUILD!!! These past two days have contained nothing but, nailing,… Read more
“There were definitely a few tears” I don’t remember the last time that I felt that what I… Read more
10 Quick Ways to Strengthen Friendships Check out this article for some ideas on how to strengthen your… Read more

We are launching a new website (staging at that is built in a modular/templated approach with ACF flexible content. We have imported 1000+ posts (blogs) from our old/current site ( that used the Salient theme with salient WPbakey visual editor.